Friday, December 2, 2011

Microwave Pizza from Scratch

Pizza Crust:                                         Toppings:

1 cup Millet                                         Tomato Paste
½ cup Rice flour                                  Ground Turkey
1 cup Coconut milk                              Red Pepper sliced in strips
1 teaspoon Baking powder                   Goat Cheese
Cook for 8 min on high                       

Sorry for the poor quality but it really was delicious! 

Tip #3 Get Involved!

I've learned that I love to go the Dining Hall not only to eat food but also to be social.  I am a social butterfly.  I love being around people even though I may be a little shy I love to just hangout and eat or watch movies with people.  Now that I can't go to the Dining Hall I am at a loss of sociallness which is not good for my self esteem or my happiness.  But I only have 2 more weeks on this diet until I go home and go to the naturopath.  I hope that I can get treated for spices this Wednesday and then I should be able to eat some of the Dining Hall food.

So I've decided I also want to get involved in some clubs here on campus when I get back from winter break if I am still in this anti-candida anti-dining hall feud!  If I am involved in clubs I can be social while also doing something to keep my mind off what I can't eat.

Well I went to the store today and picked up some pizza making supplies.  I made microwave Pizza! I'll post the recipe next!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tip #2 Don't Cheat

Don't cheat!
While this is a good tip for college tests it's also a good tip for the Anti-Candida diet.  I went for the dining hall rice and chicken and ended up not feeling so great last night and this morning.  Lesson learned feel good eating my own food or feel bad eating dining hall food.  I'll take making my own meals. Tonight I enjoyed squash rice and green beans with a salad.  I feel great!

So don't cheat on the candida diet.