Saturday, June 22, 2013

Embrace your Inner List making Obsession

Could not be more pleased with my new "Shopping" Notes

Don't forget to splurge a little and get a cute little notepad for grocery shopping it makes list making even more fun than it already is, everyone's a list maker at heart! --Embrace it!

Going shopping for anything has to be one of my favorite pastimes.  I can't argue, I like spending money.  So when I started grocery shopping I was pretty stoked for the chance to spend money and feel good about it because it was going to be used.  That was until I needed to buy Anti-candida food on a weekly basis with a tiny budget. I started out spending anywhere from $40 to $50 a week, now I have whittled it down to about $20. The following is a typical shopping list for a weeks worth of food. 

Spinach $1.99
1 Cucumber $.50
Baby Carrots $2.30
Zucchini $.79
Buckwheat $4.99*
Millet $3.78*
Amaranth $8.29*
Brown Rice Puffs $2.50*
Brown Rice $1.00
Almonds $2.00
Walnuts $1.50
Eggs* $3.99
Almond Breeze unsweetened Almond Milk* $2.80
Plain Greek Yogurt $2.61
Frozen Blueberries $2.60
Frozen greenbeans $1.08
2 chicken legs from New Seasons $3.99
1 can of Tuna packed in water  $.83
Goat Cheese* $6.99

*These items generally last more than a week. 

Something to note, these are the foods that do not upset my stomach or my gut flora, but everyone is different foods that might be ok for you, won't be ok for me, vice versa.  So while carrots may not be the best food for the diet, they don't negatively affect me and they have good nutritional value so I eat them.  However avocados upset my stomach even though they are on the list of allowed foods (which I will post soon).  Asparagus, Avocados, Celery, and Tomatoes are all allowed and cheap. 

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